P T F S e r v i c e F i n a n c e

General FAQ’s

Regular FAQ’S

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Opening an Account free?

    Yes, we don't take any fees for opening an account.

  • What do I do if I lose my card or it gets stolen?

    If your card is missing, let us know immediately. We’ll block your card right away send over a new one on the same day.

  • Is it possible to send money from PTF Service Finance to another bank?

    Yes, you can send money from PTF Service Finance to another bank?.

  • How to open an account?

    Get the registration form by clicking on the Sing Up button on the top bar. Provide all information and click on the Sign Up button..

  • How to take a loan?

    We have several loan plans. Choose the best plan suitable for you and just click on the Apply Now button and put the amount.

  • How to Open a FDR?

    We have several FDR plans. Choose the best plan suitable for you and just click on the Apply Now button and put the amount.

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